It can be really frustrating, unmotivating and challenging when we are first diagnosed with the coeliac disease. It may not be so easy at first to understand and accept all the restrictions and limitations one has to follow in order to take care of our bodies and alleviate the terrible symptoms we are experiencing. Not everyone seems to understand the life- changes with need to make, certain pleasures we feel we have to give up, and the mixture of emotions we feel during this journey. We get you! and believe us, you are not alone...
Did you know that 1 in a 100 people in the UK have coeliac disease, but only 36% are diagnosed? We want to be part of the movement to get more people on the road to recovery, more quickly, that's why we are participating in the coeliac awareness week, which starts from 9th May to 15th May, with the aim of raising awareness about this misunderstood disease.